Public Rights of Way
The maintenance of some Public Rights of Way are also included in the Devolved Services Contract and we cut them twice a year. The maintenance of a Public Right of Way on Private Land, such as those on Bucks Golf Course, are the responsibility of the land owner. We share responsibility for the rest with the Rights of Way Team TfB. If you have any question about a Right of Way please email us at
Properties Fronting onto a Public Highway
Any land owner whose property fronts onto a Public Highway, which includes pavements, has a legal responsibility to ensure that the highway is kept free from obstruction from overgrown hedges, trees, shrubs or bushes.
SECTION 154 (1) HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 the owner of any property who is found to be in contravention of this Act may be contacted and informed that unless the obstruction is removed within the stated period they may be subject to facing costs for the work to be done by an appointed contractor.