Grass/Hedge Cutting

Grass Verges

The Parish Council were informed in 2014/5 that in order to save money Bucks County Council were greatly reducing the amount of funding for the cutting of Grass Verges. We were offered the opportunity of taking over the responsibility for the cutting of Urban Road verges (under 30mph) for which we would be paid a contribution towards the costs from the County.

In order to maintain the look of the area and to keep the roads and streets across the Parish looking tidy the Parish Council agreed to enter into a Devolved Services Contract. Under the terms of the agreement we are responsible for the Grass Verges on all residential roads with a speed limit of 30mph, or less, and Transport for Bucks are responsible for all other roads. We get funding towards the cost of 3 cuts a year but the Parish Council funds 6 cuts a year, in total, between April and March.